Wow, time has flown since my last post on the 5th. It's been a little crazy around here. Since I am currently in-between veterinary positions- as you may (or may not) recall- I am a veterinarian by profession- I am working as an enumerator for the 2010 US Census. We just started the second phase on Wednesday (July 7) where we re-check vacant and deleted houses to make sure we didn't miss counting ANYONE. It has been pretty frantic 'cuz of time constraints. I knew that would be the case, so all day Tuesday, the 6th, I mowed, did miscellaneous yard work and cleaned the house. Plus I planned ahead a few meals. Then Wednesday, the 'madness' started, and I've been putting in 11 - 16 hour days!!! Plus, to top off the first day of phase II, on Wednesday I got bit by a dog! Of course, being a vet, I immediately requested a look at the dog's rabies vaccination certificate!! It was current, thank God! However, I made the error of mentioning the bite (which did draw blood) to my supervisor and, the government being the government (and quick to cover its a**!), I was made to immediately head to the ER to have an exam, receive a tetanus booster and start on antibiotic. What a fun, fun day!!! I'm doing fine- the only residual pain is due to the tetanus booster. Your arm aches for DAYS after that shot (and , in my case, swells real big, too)!!! I'll call the dog's owner after 10 days to make sure it is alive and kicking, and if 'all is well', this latest saga will be behind me! :-) So..... if you see any injury statistics for the 2010 census workforce, you'll know I am one of those found under "dog bites/attacks"!
Oh, good news with my milkweed flowers. I saw a Monarch butterfly making the 'rounds' by them the other day. No eggs yet, but I'm cautiously optimistic!! I'll share pictures if I discover any eggs or caterpillars! (still don't have my camera back from my son the 'great traveler', but I'll borrow my daughter's if the need arises!)
Still reading books despite my long census hours- skimping on sleep a little as I often find myself reading well past midnight! The last novel I completed was Dan Brown's
Deception Point. I loved it- a real page turner!! Course, I love all his novels including
The DaVinci Code and
Angels and Demons. I never understood the controversy surrounding them, and heck, I'm a practicing Catholic! Too me his books are just great fiction! However, if they do touch on some of the darker realities of the Catholic Church's history, that's OK. After all, the only way to conquer and destroy evil is by exposing it to the "Light"!!!!
Had a wonderful walk this evening, after my census work, with my dog and daughter. Then I've been enjoying reading my latest book,
Take Two by Karen Kingsbury. It is Book 2 in her Above the Line series. Yes, I am a rather eclectic reader!!! I love her books....... I envy the very personal faith of her characters. I enjoy the fact that some of my favorite scripture verses are often cited throughout her books within the context of the story, and it helps me to keep them close to my heart and mind! Her stories are certainly captivating and very enjoyable if you like Christian fiction.
Well, time to call it a night as the clock has struck 12!!! Possibly my last census work day tomorrow..... only three cases left in my assignment. Wish me luck on finishing them up, so I can FINALLY catch up on house-keeping. Let me just say, the dust bunnies are currently winning the battle in my house!!! :-) I'll blog again soon. Peace!