Friday, July 2, 2010

Happy July!

I feel bad that I have neglected my blog for virtually a week. Some things came up, and I just didn't have the energy to post. Sorry if anybody in the cyber world has been checking in on my musings! I'll try to get better at sticking with the program. :-) I won't be able to share any photos for a bit, though, 'cuz I let my son borrow my digital camera since his is getting repaired. He is having some traveling adventures both through his summer internship and personally that really necessitated his having a camera along. I miss it, though. The ease of a digital camera is so conducive for snapping shots at the spur of the moment. However, one finds oneself taking literally hundreds of photos!!!! I had trouble organizing my old 35mm film photos... in fact, there are still boxes of photos that have yet to find a home in a scrap book!! Now, with the ease of digital photo taking, the problem of documenting with actual words all my photos is nearly impossible. Oh well, I just seem to block out that reality and keep clicking away!!

I've been checking my milkweed plants- still blooming and smelling lovely- but no butterfly eggs yet. There have been some smaller butterflies around them as well as small bees and other insects, but I have not 'caught' a Monarch visiting them. Keep your fingers crossed for some Monarch caterpillar action!

Still doing some fun summer reading. Just finished The No.1 Ladies' Detective Agency by Alexander Smith that is this month's selection for our public library book club. I enjoyed it a lot. Not my typical genre, but it was a fast and fun read. I look forward to hearing other book club members' take on the book when we meet in July. Now I've stated Jodi Picoult's House Rules. It is one of those books that is hard to put down and an emotional read. I feel she is a great writer with her books being VERY thought-provoking. I usually need to have the kleenex box nearby as I read her stories, as I often find myself reading along as tears track down my face.

Another great day for drying clothes on the line- I have two load out there drying in the wind as I speak. Read in one of my magazines that you should wash bedding weekly to minimize dust mites and dust in particular. Somehow I had gotten out of the habit of washing bedding that often- lazy I guess! :-) - but I've turned over a new leaf and am now on top of the situation. It helps to have a new high efficiency front loading Whirlpool washer to make laundry fun!!!!! I'm also trying to vacuum more... with THREE cats all long-haired, I think "Elphie" is going to have a long coat.... vacuuming AT LEAST weekly is a must. I sure love my bagless Bissell Pet Hair Eraser. It freaks me out to see all the dust and hair I pick up, however. Yuck!!! Guess I need to brush my four-legged fur balls a little more too!!

Well, got some more house work to do, and some baking and bookkeeping as well. My youngest turns 21 today, so I'm in mourning a little too!! Where does the time go??? Seems like just yesterday he was 2 and calling me a "Bad Mommy!" when I told him some random pieces of iced birthday cake were all that were left of the 'Combine Cake' I was making for his birthday!!! He was not amused, but it made for some cute family videos!! Don't worry, we quickly showed him his real "Combine" cake- a real masterpiece if I say so myself- and he was all happy!!! Ah, the joys of motherhood- way too fleeting. Now he is on a plane to see his girlfriend and his best friend-NOT ME!!! However, that is as it should be, and I hope he have a great time..... but not toooooo great! ;-) That's all for today- Peace!

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